A press conference organised by Frigosystem Group was held yesterday at  Assocomaplast headquarters to formalize the hiring of the Corema business through a new company named Corema International. With this operation, effective since July 15, the manufacturer of systems for industrial refrigeration based in Caronno Pertusella (<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Varese) has taken over the technical, productive and commercial managment of Corema, historical manufacturer of chillers thermoregulators which in the latest months had been in serious financial difficulties. For the time being the two brands will be kept separated and the superimposition of about 90% of their respective range of products it is not intended as an obstacle to the mutual growth, because the involved systems, even if destined for the same applications, feature different constructive characteristics such as, for instance, the refrigerating gas.