In three new reports, plastics industry consultant, Applied Market Information Ltd. (AMI) has documented the established European and North American pipe extrusion industries, as well as the up and coming industry of South America.
What these reports make evident is that the effects of global recession are still taking their toll on the plastics industry and that the pipe extrusion industry is no exception.   
A 12% drop in the number of pipe extruders highlights the effects of the global economic crisis of the previous years on the European pipe industry.
The remaining 493 listed production sites across Europe are estimated to have been responsible for the consumption of nearly 3 million tonnes of polymer in 2011.
The recovery in the building market in Europe from the recession has been slower and more cautious than for most other plastic market segments (e.g. automotive and packaging) resulting in only relatively modest gains in polymer demand for pipe applications in 2010 and 2011.