On 25 September Vinyloop Ferrara celebrated ten years of activity. "Today we are starting to discover the world, or rather the world is starting to discover us", remarked CEO Paolo Groppi during the celebrations, confirming the company's intention to open up to the outside world and promote its PVC recycling technology. The Ferrara plant is currently capable of processing around 10 thousand tons of PVC waste a year, used to generate PVC-R which is sold all over the world. A recent study comparing the environmental footprint of Vinyloop PVC-R with that of an equivalent virgin PVC, showed that it has considerable environmental benefits: it reduces water consumption by 72% and primary energy demand by 46%, and it has a 39% smaller global warming potential.
Enrico Ferraris, head of marketing and communications, pointed out that the company has recently embarked on an awareness-raising drive to make the market more alive to the question of environmental sustainability. Also wanting to make the new generations more aware of these issues, the company, with the support of local institutions and the regional schools authority, has also set up a competition open to schools located in the town and province of Ferrara. Youngsters taking part will be asked to think about how the resources saved in the production of recycled PVC might be used to improve life in their town, and to come up with ideas on ways of saving energy and respecting the environment.