On June 26, Gammarad Italia, one of Europe's leading providers of technologies and services for contract sterilisation based on gamma rays, and Bio-On, a producer of biopolymers derived from the processing of sugar beet and sugar cane, signed a cooperation agreement that will see them assessing the effects of sterilisation treatments on a new biopolymer.
The aim of the research, which will last around 12 months, is to assess whether it is possible for Gammarad Italia to sterilise, using gamma rays, the new PHA-based material (polyhydroxyalkanoate), which is derived from sugar beet residue and patented  by Bio-On in collaboration with the sugar producer, Coprob. The two partners will create a team devoted to this project and will also begin a close collaboration with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
Gamma rays are high-energy electromagnetic waves, similar to light waves and X-ray waves, which pass through matter destroying or reducing the microbial load, without leaving any residue and without generating any changes or increases in temperature. The technology of gamma rays emitted by Co60 (Cobalt-60) has been known and exploited industrially for over half a century in different applications.
"The tests we have started in collaboration with Gammarad Italia will be useful for extending the range of sectors that can use our bioplastics", declared Marco Astorri, CEO of Bio-On. The president of Gammarad Italia, Massimiliano Magagnoli, was also clearly satisfied, remarking: "This cooperation agreement will allow us to undertake in-depth research with a view to expanding our operational boundaries to embrace new and futuristic materials and, by so doing, improve levels of safety and environmental protection."