Recently closing its doors in Istanbul, the exhibition remained substantially on a par with last year's edition in terms of exhibition area (24,950 net square metres), exhibitors (1084 including direct and represented) and visitors (an estimated 40,000 operators). The data show a fair that is expanding steadily over time and confirm the Turkish event as one of the most successful in the Middle East, with the exception of a slowdown for this year's edition, probably due to the nearness of K in Düsseldorf.
As part of its promotional activities in support of the Made in Italy, Assocomaplast participated in Plast Eurasia 2013 with a 30-sqm information stand in Hall 3. The association distributed the members list, the magazine MacPlas International, and a brochure on Plast 2015. Noteworthy visitor traffic to the stand was observed during the four days of the fair (5-8 December).
In addition to the interesting events staged by local businesses, there was also, in particular, a good percentage of visits from Iranian and Chinese delgations. These countries, together with Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Iraq and Russia, are the principal markets for the growing exports of machines made in Turkey. Most of the requests taken by the stand regarded information on the technological characteristics of the machines produced by Assocomaplast members, as well as the situation of the Italian economy.