Italian automatic packaging machinery manufacturers are expected to end 2013 showing growth of 7.6% compared to 2012, reaching 5.92 billion euro. This is the picture emerging from the preliminary economic figures released by Centro Studi of the Ucima association. This would mean yet another record year for a sector unaffected by the crisis, and that continues to conquer market shares beating out international competition. Indeed, exports in 2013 represented 83.6% of total sales, reaching a record 4.95 billion euro, up 8.6% since 2012. The European Union, Asia and Central-South America are confirmed as the major outlet markets for Italian technology. The top three destination countries for Italian technology are, on the other hand, the United States, France and China. The Italian market is also up by 3%, and is expected to generate revenues of up to 970 million euro.
"We are satisfied with the results emerging from the research by Centro Studi. They once again demonstrate that the country is doing better than the image portrayed by the press suggests, and that it clearly stands apart from the inefficient Italian political class. These important milestones have been reached by Italian companies demonstrating determination, expertise and competence, and they are more important still because they were achieved without reliance on an efficient national system. If Italian companies could operate in the same playing fields as our leading competitor, Germany, they would likely achieve better results. I cannot therefore help but ask our politicians, once again and very loudly, to get over the divisions and factions as quickly as they can and bring back true politics and support for the manufacturing sector, the real backbone of Italy. Therefore we watched the new ICE-Agenzia (the former institute for foreign trade) get back to business with great pleasure. It is one of the leading public supporters of international trade for Italian businesses, and we hope that over the next few years the funds available to the Agency can return to sufficiently high levels to ensure adequate support for internationalisation by Italian companies," the Chairman of Ucima, Giuseppe Lesce said.
2014 is also expected to be a year of growth for Italian manufacturers of packaging machinery. "The economic indicators available today and figures on orders placed with Italian companies indicate additional growth in revenues over the next twelve months. The industry is expected to generate revenues in excess of 6 billion euro and exports exceeding 5 billion, confirming Italy's leading global standing. 2014 will be a busy year with important appointments for Italian enterprises. In particular, the first Food Pack, a fair dedicated to packaging technology for the food and beverage sector, will be held in Parma jointly with Cibus Tec. It will provide an important opportunity for confirming Italy's leadership in food processing technology at a trade fair to rival other international events," Lesce concluded.