Polymer markets have shown recently a high volatility combined, during the first part of 2015, to an extreme lack of supply in Europe despite a wave of new capacities being built in Middle East and in Far East. The revolutionary impact of American shale oil and shale gas seems to have come to an impasse after the oil prices dropped below the 50 dollars/bbl level. China and other emerging markets slowed down their growth posing questions about the sustainability of such fast developing economies, while Iran will become soon again an important exporting player for both oil and polymers.

Feedstocks and polymers trade flows are rapidly changing in response to the new scenarios. To those and many other issues the speakers of the ChemOrbis conference will try to find answers and to outline possible future developments and the impacts on petrochemicals industry. The agenda of the conference - which will take place at Hilton Amsterdam Hotel, in Amsterdam, on November 26 - includes also specific markets overviews for polyolefins, PVC, styrenics and PET with detailed description of the global capacity and demand situation, growth drivers, applications and issues.

Some extra-European producers, from Iran, Russia and Thailand, will give their perspective on how they see the opportunities and obstacles in doing business with Europe. Another important subject, the consolidation and necessary transformation of the European Petrochemical Industry, will be covered by Udo Jung of the Boston Consulting Group.