Since 2003 the European Polycarbonate Sheet Extruders (Epse), with the representative support of the leading manufacturers of polycarbonate sheets in Europe, has been working to promote this versatile plastic material and its numerous applications. Aided by the expertise in its technical committee, Epse has also been integral to the development of safety and quality standards for the industry. Twice per year, the thirteen members of Epse meet to discuss technical, regulatory and communication issues that affect the European polycarbonate sheet industry.

One main topic of the meetings held in Brussels on April 2-3, 2019 was the Epse Quality Label launched in early 2018. The objective of the Quality Label is to protect the quality and image of PC sheets. It is based on thorough research and high technical standards. Epse members can apply the label on their polycarbonate multiwall sheets and technical data sheets, under the condition that the specific product strictly fulfills the Epse Sheet Standard.

During the meetings the Epse members elected a new president, vice president and treasurer. After two years as president, David Pampanel from Plazit-Polygal was replaced by Erwin Roovers representing Sabic:

- president - Erwin Roovers (Sabic)

- vice president - Peter Kelly (3AC Polycasa)

- treasurer - Laurence Martin (Brett Martin)The Epse members also took the opportunity to discuss the upcoming ninth edition of the Epse Awards, an internal competition for the association’s members to recognize the most innovative, sustainable and best design projects made out of polycarbonate. The Epse Awards 2019 Ceremony will take place on October 21 during the K 2019 fair in Düsseldorf. The event will take place at the booth of Trinseo who kindly sponsors the ceremony.

"Epse is very important for the polycarbonate sheet industry, it helps setting European-wide security and quality standards and to promote PC sheets as material of choice. The Epse awards show every edition how essential and versatile polycarbonate sheet is for the building and construction industry because it offers strong, safe and sustainable solutions", explained Erwin Roovers, newly elected Epse president.