Under the impact of trade conflicts between the major economies, 2019 was the most difficult year for the global economy since the financial crisis of 2008. Nevertheless, amid the lowest growth of the global economy in the last decade, Haitian Group's revenues still recorded about 1.29 billion euros for 2019, a decrease of 9.6% compared to 2018. Although decreased by 6.5% as compared to 2018, the total number of machines delivered to customers in 2019 maintained an impressive level of above 32,000 units.


With regard to overseas markets, the increased international trade protectionism has led to a decline in sales in some regions. However, sales in the Southeast Asian market increased, which in turn led to a record high of export sales of almost 500 million euros in 2019, representing an increase of 2.9% as compared to previous year. The share of export products in total sales has continued to increase, which, as Haitian International considers, confirms as one of its long-term strategies.


The outbreak of the current coronavirus in early 2020 not only had a negative impact on the global economy, but also cast a shadow over the recovering global economies. However, as Haitian International has been working on globalization for years, overseas operations centers have developed full business functions, such as manufacturing and distribution, to meet the needs of local and regional customers.

2020 will be the year of management innovation at Haitian International. With its main focus on smart manufacturing, the Haitian International factories will accelerate the transformation into a digitized, networked and intelligent enterprise. Last year, Haitian International was added to the list of digitized workshops and smart factories in Zhejiang Province. At the same time, the company has also stepped up its research and development efforts for new products and further researched the overseas market based on "5 centers" such as production, sales etc.