The Italian domestic market remains of fundamental importance for Negri Bossi. This was confirmed by the participation of the company in the oncoming Mecspe fair, scheduled in Bologna from November 23 to 25. At the fair, the company from Cologno Monzese (Milan) will be joined by its partners, Sate and ForPlast, which are part of its service network in Italy and which offer their services at a local level from their headquarters in Reggio Emilia (Italy) and Castelmaggiore (Bologna, Italy) respectively.
In order to demonstrate the interconnection process according to the 4.0 principles, Negri Bossi will be exhibiting its latest generation control systems – the Tactum multitouch and Motus, as well as a Sytrama system.
The Tactum control system is incorporated into the Nova eT electric injection moulding machines by Negri Bossi and is characterized by ease of use thanks to the free programming of functions and constant monitoring of operating parameters, servomotors, servo drives and I/O ports. In addition, it is ready for the latest communication standards according to Industry 4.0 (OPC-UA).
Motus, on the other hand, equipping the other machines of the Nova family, represents an interface totally customizable through a "sequencer" tool for the creation of special cycles. Each movement of the injection moulding machine can be added or removed from the machine cycle simply by dragging the process step to the desired position.
The alarm function is more intuitive to ensure more responsive management in every situation. The control system is connected through the PowerLink system (real-time Ethernet) to decentralized communication devices and is also ready for the latest communication standards in Industry 4.0 environment (OPC‐UA/Euromap 63).
The Supervisio 4.0 software system will also be exhibited at the fair. This software makes it possible to exchange data between Negri Bossi machines and the users' control server and to send new production data and receive updates in real time as well as to view - using a simple operator panel - all the machines connected.