The smart extruder Icma 4.0

Strongly committed to the benefits of Industry 4.0 digital revolution, Icma San Giorgio will present at its booth at K 2016 the innovative I-Smart solution. Already applied and successfully tested, this solution consists in a corotating twin screw extruder equipped with advanced sensors with diagnostic capabilities able to signal the presence of malfunctions and so enabling customers to plan preventive maintenance activities, a key point to enhance factory efficiency. This solution makes also possible to monitor specific process parameters closely related to product quality. The subsequent digital data collection can also be made available in new ways, for example in mobility via Apps and/or through specifically designed web portals on PCs. At Icma San Giorgio’s booth processors will also explore, with Icma San Giorgio’s team, important news related to some hot topics.


Turnkey systems

The long history of Icma San Giorgio in providing turnkey projects has been enhanced in the last years with new and more and more sophisticated and complete projects. This type of projects are in Icma San Giorgio’s DNA because each single project is treated as unique. This is the approach that has always differentiated Icma San Giorgio in the industry together with it customer support and proactive competent and expert engineering team.


Direct extrusion

On this issue, with more than 50-year experience, Icma San Giorgio continues to evolve and progress reaching new areas where efficiency and cost reduction become a unique opportunity to compete at the highest levels of quality and economic return.


Icma scientific learning Center

Since 2004 Icma San Giorgio supports its customers with a scientific-technical course on the extruder corotating technology. Thanks to the growing success of this course, Icma San Giorgio is now offering a complete training proposal with a new practice session in its laboratory and a session supported by a sophisticated software for process simulation. Theory, practice and simulation just in a single training package for existing and new customers.