
  • 04 February 2025

    Digital passport for PVC products

    A few days ago in Brussels, VinylPlus, the voluntary programme for sustainability in the PVC value chain, launched the VinylPlus Digital Passport Programme. The Digital Product Passports (DPPs) are digital records that provides comprehensive information about a product and its entire value chain...
  • 10 January 2024

    New managing director of VinylPlus and ECVM

    As of 1 January 2024, Charlotte Röber has assumed the position of Managing Director for VinylPlus and the European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers (ECVM). In both positions, she succeeds Brigitte Dero. Charlotte has spent the last ten years at the European PVC Window Profiles and related...
  • 08 June 2022

    In 2021 VinylPlus exceeds 810,000 tonnes of recycled PVC

    On the occasion of VinylPlus Sustainability Forum 2022 (VSF2022), VinylPlus announced the results of the first year of its 2030 Commitment. Livestreamed from Brussels, VSF2022 gathered online around 500 participants from 40 countries. Under the theme “Embracing EU Green Deal Ambitions”...
  • 19 May 2021

    VinylPlus: 20 years of progress towards circular PVC

    At the completion of its second 10-year Voluntary Commitment to sustainable development, the European PVC industry takes stock of its achievements and looks ahead to 2030. Among the main results, which are summarised in the VinylPlus Progress Report 2021 published on May 17, the continuous development of collection and recycling...
  • 23 March 2021

    PolyREC created to report on Europe’s plastics circularity

    Petcore Europe, PlasticsEurope, Plastics Recyclers Europe, and VinylPlus have mutually agreed to join forces to form the organisation PolyREC. PolyREC will monitor, verify, and report their plastics recycling and uptake data in Europe. This will be achieved by using a common data collection system - RecoTrace. PolyREC will ensure traceability...
  • 16 February 2021

    RecoTrace: advanced data system for circular PVC

    Data collection system to monitor, verify, and report PVC recycling and uptake in Europe, RecoTrace builds upon Recovinyl’s 18 years’ experience of collecting credible recycling data. The PVC industry’s commitment to report reliable data, has made Recovinyl the industry standard for data reporting. In 2019, Recovinyl recorded a total of...
  • 09 February 2021

    VinylPlus Med accelerates sustainability in healthcare

    The Voluntary Commitment to sustainable development of the European PVC industry, VinylPlus unveiled a new collaborative project called VinylPlus Med. Aimed at accelerating sustainability in healthcare across Europe through the recycling of discarded single-use PVC medical devices, the project brings together...