RecoTrace: advanced data system for circular PVC

Data collection system to monitor, verify, and report PVC recycling and uptake in Europe, RecoTrace builds upon Recovinyl’s 18 years’ experience of collecting credible recycling data. The PVC industry’s commitment to report reliable data, has made Recovinyl the industry standard for data reporting. In 2019, Recovinyl recorded a total of 769,234 tonnes of PVC recycling, making it the largest contributor to VinylPlus, the voluntary commitment to sustainable development of the European PVC industry.
To enhance traceability and transparency in recycled plastics along the entire plastics value chain, RecoTrace has been developed to meet the advancing data collection requirements in line with the ambition of the Circular Plastics Alliance and EU policy initiatives to encourage recovery, recycling and reusing of plastics. Following the European Commission’s pledging call for the entire plastics industry to boost recycling, VinylPlus has committed to recycle at least 900,000 tonnes of PVC per year into new products by 2025. RecoTrace will be used to deliver on this commitment, a significant contribution to the overall 10 million tonnes objective set by the Commission for the plastic industry, as well as voluntary VinylPlus commitments beyond 2025, in line with its drive to increased sustainability.
Developed by Recovinyl, RecoTrace has been designed for recyclers and converters to register data in a user-friendly format and in a time-efficient way, whilst keeping all data safe and secure. This tool will provide a clear picture of material flows and complete traceability of the material. RecoTrace is officially ready to receive 2021 data from February 1, 2021.