Structural weaknesses threaten the rPET industry

According to the association of European plastics recyclers, Plastics Recyclers Europe, persistent structural weaknesses in the European market represent a threat to the PET recycling industry. On the one hand, the collection infrastructure has reached a limit and the quantity of recovered PET has long held steady at 50% of bottles distributed for consumption, while the remaining 50% ends up in landfills or incinerators. On the other hand, demand for recycled PET has increased in recent years, leading to significant investments in new recycling lines. The combined effect of these two factors is that recycling plants are currently operating at well under 75% of capacity. Furthermore, the potential increase of anti-dumping duties on virgin PET may further worsen the situation for this industry in Europe.
The association feels that a more balanced and well managed industry is necessary and is working to reformulate existing infrastructure to recycle PET on the European level and compensate for imbalances. Support from all parties is necessary in this effort, starting with EU institutions, if it is to be hoped that the objectives of the European Directive on Wastes and Recycling can be achieved.