Safety & recycling

Since the launch of version 1.0 of the Safety Data Sheets for Recyclates tool (SDS-R) in late 2010 by European Plastics Converters (EuPC), European Plastics Recyclers (EuPR), PlasticsEurope and Vinyl 2010, the website has welcomed registrants from all across Europe.
This tool enables plastics recyclers across Europe to achieve their REACH compliance obligations, providing them with tailor-made safety data sheets downloadable from an interactive website. Along with the 60+ SDS in the database, created using historical data for polymers and toxicological data for polymer additives, the SDS-R Tool also enables users to request tailor-made safety data sheets based on the compositional information they provide.
Version 2.0 is available in 7 languages starting on 17 May 2011.