Romi Italia on sale

Romi Italia is now officially on sale. "The liquidator, Edoardo Patrone, informed us that he received the power of attorney from the owners for selling the company. Now the bids will be evaluated by the advisors", declared Claudia Porchietto, the alderman for labour of Regione Piemonte. We receive this news with satisfaction, but our level of attention is high. In fact, this does not mean that the existing offer will be accepted nor that the risk of operations that could penalise workers has been averted. We will keep an eye on the issue in order to protect employment levels" added the alderman.
In 2012, Romi announced that it would wind up the operations of Grugliasco and Pont Canavese (Turin) in Italy, keeping only the sales and assistance activities. However, some weeks ago the Brazilian parent company communicated its intention to liquidate the business and lay off about 150 employees.