Renzo Davatz to become new CEO of Netstal

On July 1 Renzo Davatz will become the new CEO of Netstal-Maschinen, taking over this role from Hans Ulrich Golz (CEO since 2012), who will become the new chairman of the Board of Directors. With the personnel changes Netstal focuses on stability and continuity in the strategic development of the company. A major focus is on the global strengthening of the Netstal brand as a premium supplier of high-performance and high-precision injection moulding machinery.

“I am delighted that I was able to acquire Renzo Davatz as my successor. He is held in high esteem by both customers and employees. In recent years he played a pivotal role in establishing an excellent global position for the service business area of Netstal. I am convinced that he will be successful in managing the Netstal company and further developing the company from a strategic perspective”, states Golz.

Davatz has been working at Netstal for 25 years and has progressed steadily in the company. He joined the company in 1989 as an apprentice electrical engineer and quickly assumed managerial roles, including head of Technical Service and subsequently head of After Sales. Since 2012, Davatz has been vice president of Service both at Netstal and in the overall segment Injection Moulding Machinery of the KraussMaffei Group. He will continue this task.

With these last personnel changes Netstal focuses on continuity and stability in the global positioning of the company and the Netstal brand. “Netstal is regarded by customers around the world as a premium supplier of high-performance and high-precision injection moulding machinery. I would like to strengthen this leading position and the operational business success together with Markus Dal Pian as vice president of Sales & Marketing, with whom I have enjoyed a very good working relationship for many years”, highlights Davatz.

With the expansion of the international competitive position in an increasingly cost-intensive environment, Davatz also wants to safeguard the Näfels site over the long term as a competence centre for high-speed premium products with short cycle times and ultimate precision. “My goal is to offer our customers the best products and services also in the future. In this respect, I trust in the performance and the exceptionally high commitment and dedication of the global Netstal team. The safeguarding and development of the Näfels site over the long term is especially important to me. Netstal should continue to be a key employer in the canton of Glarus. Because the heart of Netstal has been beating here in Näfels for over 150 years. And it should remain this way”, adds Davatz.