Over 30 companies aiding the national vaccination campaign

More than 30 Italian manufacturers of plastics and rubber processing machinery represented by the trade association Amaplast have pledged their support for the initiative
“Fabbriche di comunità” (“community Factories”) developed by Confindustria to make member company facilities available for the national Covid-19 vaccination plan.
The Confindustria initiative was implemented after being submitted to the Special Emergency Commissioner, General Figliuolo, with the objective of identifying companies willing to support the vaccination campaign by offering the use of their facilities. Just over one week after the beginning of voluntary adhesion, the “Fabbriche di comunità” project had obtained pledges for roughly 10,000 spaces across Italy. This participation will make it possible to quickly vaccinate millions of people who work at the companies and vitalize their local communities, contributing significantly to the achievement of herd immunity.
This is an operation of great value, demonstrating a spirit of service to one’s country and local community, a social and entrepreneurial response in the fight against Covid-19.
The outbreak of the Covid-19 emergency last year did not catch Italian companies in the plastics and rubber processing machinery segment unprepared. Thanks to Industry 4.0 technologies allowing remote control of plants and systems, remote inspections, these companies have always remained at the service of customers all over the world.
The possibility for a faster, better organized vaccination campaign will allow Italian businesses to again propose the best of their know-how in all international markets with the promptness that has always been their hallmark.