• 28 February 2025

    Spotlights on Mexico, a growing market

    A total of 34 Italian companies will take part in the collective exhibition coordinated by the category association Amaplast at the Plastimagen trade fair, scheduled to take place in Mexico City from 11 to 14 March 2025. It will be the largest European collective in terms of exhibition space, covering almost 700 square metres...
  • 03 May 2024

    Amaplast collective at NPE 2024 with 19 Italian companies

    Italy in a protagonist role at NPE 2024, the leading North American plastics fair taking place on 6-10 May in Orlando, Florida. This fair has been the focus of particular attention because it regards the broad and strategic North American market and has not been held for six years...
  • 20 December 2023

    Italian manufacturers: encouraging preliminary results, despite a few shadows

    According to estimates by the Amaplast-Mecs Statistical Study Center, in 2023 the Italian plastics and rubber machinery production could set a new all-time record for the sector of over 4.8 billion euros, racking up a gain of at least three points over 2022. This is mainly due to a positive trend in exports - which improved progressively...
  • 05 April 2023

    In 2022 Italian manufacturers beyond all expectations

    The year-end figures for 2022 are official and the picture painted by the Mecs Statistical Study Center, which published them, is a year worth framing: the plastics and rubber technology industry represented by Amaplast (Italian association of manufacturers of plastics and rubber processing machinery and moulds) closed the year with a turnover of…
  • 05 October 2022

    Plastics and rubber processing machinery towards K at full speed

    A growing order book characterizes the Italian plastics and rubber processing machinery manufacturing industry: the first half of the year closed with an increase of 10% compared to the same period in 2021, and forecasts for the third quarter are still positive, above all thanks to sales and orders from abroad...
  • 27 July 2022

    K speaks Italian

    Almost 400 Italian companies in the plastics and rubber sector are registered for the up-coming edition of K, taking place in Düsseldorf on October 19-26, 2022. Per tradition, the Italian presence will be second only to that of the host country at the world’s most important fair for the sector and will mainly consist of...
  • 13 July 2022

    Amaplast assembly: sector in positive but critical factors are persisting

    The annual member assembly of Amaplast - national trade association, member of Confindustria, that unites some 170 Italian manufacturers of machinery, equipment, and moulds for plastics and rubber - took place on July 7, 2022, at Villa Borromeo in Cassano d'Adda (Milan). In his address, President Dario Previero illustrated the...
  • 23 February 2022

    All eyes on Mexico in the lead-in to Plastimagen 2022

    The pandemic caused a slump in sales in 2020-2021, but Italian manufacturers of plastics and rubber processing machinery, equipment, and moulds - with some 170 united in the trade association Amaplast - continue to see Mexico as a primary destination. In the first nine months of 2021, exports exceeded...
  • 26 January 2022

    Italian manufacturers return to Moscow

    Over 30 Italian companies are taking part in the collective - organized by Amaplast, a trade association representing some 170 Italian companies in the plastics and rubber processing machinery, ancillary equipment, and moulds industry and member of Confindustria - at the 24th edition of Interplastica, a specialized exhibition which...
  • 15 December 2021

    Plastics and rubber processing machines in recovery

    The full-year forecast developed by Mecs-Amaplast statistical studies centre shows double-digit growth in 2021 for the Italian plastics and rubber processing machinery, equipment, and moulds industry. “According to our estimates,” Amaplast president Dario Previero stated, “at the close of...
  • 10 November 2021

    Plastics and rubber processing machinery, all indicators still positive

    Double digit growth continues for the plastics and rubber processing machinery, equipment, and moulds industry, represented by the trade association Amaplast. Based on the most recent economic survey by the Mecs statistical studies centre, compared to the first three quarters of 2020, January-September 2021 showed...
  • 19 May 2021

    Orders and turnover rebound for Italian manufacturers

    In the first quarter of 2021, Italian plastics and rubber processing machinery manufacturers in the trade association Amaplast recorded double-digit increases in orders and turnover over the same period in 2020. Based on the end-of-quarter survey conducted by the Mecs-Amaplast Statistical Studies Centre among...
  • 07 April 2021

    Starting anew from Shenzhen

    The Italian pavilion at the thirty-fourth edition of Chinaplas (Shenzhen, April 13-16, 2021) organized by Amaplast (trade association in Confindustria uniting over 160 manufacturers of plastics and rubber processing machinery, equipment, and moulds) will include some forty companies in a space of 1,100 square metres...