After the 2023 edition, Plast looks forward to 2026

Plast 2023 closed its doors on 8 September, and now, pending the official figures from the organisers, we can already form an initial tentative picture of how the event went. First of all, the fair was well attended: the organisers already say they were satisfied with the numbers, still unofficial, of visitors who attended over the four days, which, excluding those from Ipack-Ima, Print4All, MeatTech and Intralogistica (The Innovation Alliance) of course, were in line with those recorded at the previous edition in 2018.
In other words, Plast attracted its usual turnout (and more), despite being “physically” separated from the fairs organised by “The Innovation Alliance”, with which it continues to enjoy a very real bond, not just theoretical but also practical - as shown by the fact that the opening ceremony on September 5 was for all five fairs.

The exhibitors’ impressions regarding the flow of visitors seemed to be positive, too. With the exception of the first day, which was relatively quiet (as tends to be the case with all fairs), on the following three (and particularly on the two middle days), the corridors and stands in all six halls were very lively, even crowded in some cases, with attendance peaking in the middle of the day.
Leaving aside the numbers, which, as we have said, appear (unofficially) to be slightly up on those of 2018, the thing that really mattered was not so much the quantity as the quality of the visitors in attendance which, in some cases, even led to the sale of machines displayed at the fair. This observation is all the more significant if we consider that, according to the exhibitors, there were more Italians present than foreigners. Should these initial impressions be confirmed by the official data, then we can say that the picture they paint is one of a currently flourishing Italian plastics and rubber industry and market.

Finally, although this was the first Plast fair in five years, its recent absence does not seem to have reduced its importance. On the contrary, the wait had fuelled expectations, which, seemingly, were more than met. With the difficult years of the pandemic now behind us, the fair will be back in three years’ time, thereby returning to its usual frequency. The actual dates have yet to be set, but the organisers are already working with Fiera Milano to ensure that Plast goes back to its traditional spring slot, between May and June 2026.