
  • 24 May 2016

    Record results in 2015 and the turning towards Industry 4.0

    With sales of 1.35 billion euro and a net result higher than that of the previous year by some 3 million euro, Sacmi has, for the second year running, posted one of the best results in its long history. This is what emerges from the Annual Report 2015, approved on May 14 by the cooperative members’ meeting. “Like its parent company Sacmi Imola,…
  • 18 May 2016

    Coperion delivers compounding plants to Basf in South Korea

    In the past decade, Coperion in Stuttgart has delivered, installed and launched several compounding plants for Basf to manufacture engineering plastics. For a new compounding plant in South Korea, Basf relied once again on Coperion’s expertise; in September of 2015, the plant was handed over within the contractually agreed timeframe. Since then...
  • 18 May 2016

    Cascade hot runner system for the series production of large car headlight lenses

    FLEXflow, the finely regulated servo-driven valve gate system from HRSflow, an INglass division, now makes it possible to carry out the series production of large-format car headlight lenses by cascade injection molding. Compared with the present standard process, it enables the part weight to be significantly reduced while maintaining the...
  • 18 May 2016

    New-generation receivers and containers with enhanced performance and components

    Kasko is the name of the new receivers and containers from Moretto, delivering significant value and performance in a single machine. The overall design is essential, with the electronic board integrated into the machine chassis along with all external wires, and a newly designed soft drop head opening which works as a protection from...
  • 11 May 2016

    Stretchable ink expands wide format possibilities

    Mimaki announced that it will be making a brand-new ink available in summer 2016. LUS-350 is a unique, stretchable ink suitable for a wide range of thermoforming applications, especially those requiring exceptional hardness and durability such as automotive parts. LUS-350 ink is compatible with the Mimaki UJF-7151plus and JFX200-2513 printers and…
  • 11 May 2016

    Classic compounding for Asia

    From April 25 to 28, Leistritz Extrusion Technology not only exhibited a ZSE 40 MAXX twin screw extruder at Chinaplas but also presented its new ZSE CC series. “Besides K show the Chinaplas fair is one of the most important international plastics exhibitions. We have been participating for years and this time again we present our...
  • 11 May 2016

    PID 1350: 2015 best product of its kind

    Based on its recent analysis of the proportional integral derivative (PID) controller market, Frost & Sullivan recognizes Gefran with the 2015 Global Frost & Sullivan Award for Product Leadership. Gefran’s PID controller, the 1350, has successfully addressed end-user pain points regarding display...
  • 11 May 2016

    Opening of the Spanish branch and unveiling of the new Canbio ST

    On May 5 and 6, Negri Bossi inaugurated its new Spanish branch in Garriga, near Barcelona. “Only by choosing Negri Bossi can you be sure of making the best bet!” ran the slogan strategically placed at the entrance to the games room set up for this two-day open house. This served both to invite guests to have fun at the event but also, in…
  • 11 May 2016

    Easy processing of regrind from thermoforming

    EasyFeed is the new feeding system offered by Amut in combination with the EA - 52 D extruder, to process up to 100% of regrind material during the in-line thermoforming whithout compromising the main extruder flow rate. During the sheet extrusion process, the presence of the regrind recycled from the thermoforming skeletons...
  • 04 May 2016

    The moulds refurbishing and conversion service in China

    Sipa’s mould refurbishing and conversion services in China are an important element of its complete PET preform and bottle mould offering. They provide customers with the option of having some components replaced by new ones in order to improve preform quality (refurbishment), or having the mould converted to produce a completely new...
  • 04 May 2016

    Mast, screws first and foremost

    The experience acquired over more than four decades has seen Mast evolve from a small machine shop into a company specialising in the construction of screws and chambers for machines and systems used in the processing of plastic materials. Its current catalogue contains a vast range of solutions for the construction of single-screw and...
  • 04 May 2016

    The first ALLrollEX line in Sweden

    The Swedish company Doxa Plast based in Värnamo installed a completely automatic 5-layer ALLrollEX-1500 cast stretch film line, which is running successfully since commissioning. It performs from the automatic selection of resins to be loaded from silos till full packaging system, with possibility to pack...
  • 03 May 2016

    Cloeren increases its capital shares in EMO

    The American company Cloeren is investing in Austrian extrusion die maker EMO, Micheldorf, Austria in form of a capital increase. The supplier of flat die extrusion and coextrusion heads EMO is owned by Haidlmair, the important manufacturer of high-tech injection moulds for the packaging and...
  • 27 April 2016

    Two-way machine for veterinary syringes

    The new machine developed by Gefit is destined to the medical packaging market. At the end of a thorough designing work and product engineering, carried out in close cooperation with the customer, the manufacturer located in Fubine (near Alessandria, Italy) has finalized and completed a new structured and important project...
  • 27 April 2016

    Three days of theory and practice to obtain the best from the extrusion lines

    From May 18 to 20 Leistritz will hold an “Extrusion Academy” in Nuremberg. It is a training programme which has been running since 2003 and which involves laboratory technicians of the company in a variety of practical demonstrations on various extrusion lines and auxiliary systems. The aim is to provide effective combination of...
  • 27 April 2016

    Testing at the factory and delivering to Central and South America

    The two plants being tested at the Union factory in San Vittore Olona (near Milan), are destined for the markets of Central and South America. The first line includes two single-screw extruders (a TR 130 and a TR 75 respectively) for the coextrusion of hollow sheeting made of EPP, with a working width of 2,500 mm and...
  • 27 April 2016

    Solutions for process optimization and for greater competitiveness

    The SIT 2016 seminar on technological innovation took place from April 12 to 14 at the general offices of Piovan in Santa Maria di Sala (Venice). It is a traditional event dedicated to the Italian clients of this Venetian company of auxiliary systems for plastic material processing. The protagonist of the sixth edition was the most advanced…
  • 20 April 2016

    From Padua to Shanghai, lots of developments and a preview for Asia

    From April 25 to 28 Shangai will play host to Chinaplas 2016 with Moretto attending the event in a wide exhibition area. At the stand of the Italian manufacturer from Massanzago (near Padua) visitors will be able to see the latest developments concerning conveying, dosing and drying processes...
  • 19 April 2016

    The Moog oldest operating servo valve is in Canada

    The Industrial Group of Moog declared Doug Bitner, manager for the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Engineering Fluid Power Lab, the winner of its contest to find the oldest operating Moog servo valve after he sent in a video showing lab equipment running with a Moog 21 Series servo valve manufactured in 1963. Moog launched...
  • 15 April 2016

    Three important companies unveil the mysteries of blow moulding

    The global volume of turbo charged cars and trucks continues to increase year over year. As a result, the demand for more turbo air duct solutions and automotive components produced using 3D suction blow moulding technology, new materials and technologies has also increased. To support such growth ST Soffiaggio Tecnica, DuPont and ActuaPlast…