Commissioner Potocnik answers

"The European Commission is examining a European initiative aimed at reducing the consumption of plastic bags: I hope we will soon be able to come to a decision about this matter." These encouraging words close the answer given by the European commissioner for environment Janez Potocnik to the letter sent at the end of July by the Italian industrial associations Assobioplastiche, Chimica Verde, Consorzio Italiano Compostatori and Legambiente with reference to the Ministerial Decree of 18 March 2013 regarding the penalties for those who infringe the ban on non-biodegradable and non-compostable bags of 13 September 2013. Potocnik's words give the associations hope and, in the fight against traditional plastic shoppers, the Italian experience can become a model to be exported across Europe.
The Italian law has already promoted investments in plants, machinery and jobs, and given new impulse to plastics converters subject to strong competition from imports from the Far-East, by focusing on the enhancement of the Italian industrial background in terms of technological innovation and sustainability.