The year of e-commerce and circular economy

It is up and running. And always getting faster. E-commerce hasn’t been walking for a long time now. And it is difficult to find someone who does not foresee important progress during the coming year.


Italy is no exception: in our country the situation is very fluid from this point of view. During last year's Netcomm Forum, one of the major Italian events dedicated to digital innovations, it was highlighted that e-commerce had grown by 15 percent in just 12 months.


Contributing to the thrust of recent times is the fact that online purchases have now become a multi-channel and largely intergenerational experience, in which the mobile telephone is assuming the role of absolute protagonist. The purchase order, whether it is for work or personal matters, increasingly originates from the smartphone. Any time, any place. Even between one commitment and another. Just a few seconds (and several imperceptible movements of the fingers) are required to conclude any transaction.


But 2019 could also be a decisive year for another matter, the circular economy. This is a sector that in Italy already accounts for 88 billion euros in turnover and 22 billion euros in added value, or 1.5% of national added value. The data is contained in Circular Economy research in Italy - it is noted that the recycling chain, the backbone of an economy without waste, has already exceeded 575 thousand employee units.


Circular economy and eCommerce: it is difficult to think of creating value in a 2019 devoid of these two elements. They also play a central role for PlasticFinder, the largest B2B marketplace dedicated to plastic: the former allows us to renew as much as possible the experience of using an extraordinary material like plastic, while the latter offers the possibility of necessary real time contact to companies which would hardly ever have the opportunity to meet.


We will never tire of repeating it: long live the environment and long live technology!


Start using to buy recycled plastics:


HIPS blackIzod 7.5: 0.77 €/kg

PA66-GF30black: 1.45 €/kg

PLA ReproIngeo: 1.40 €/kg

PP MFI 12 -regrended: 0.29 €/kg

PA12 white:6 €/kg

POMHostaform C9021 Repro: 1.7 €/kg


Start selling your stock surplus and recycled materials on