Two-stage plan for expanding the production capacity

The further increasing demand for Wittmann robots and automation solutions has led the company to implement a two-stage plan for further production capacity.

The first stage of development was completed successfully in mid-May 2015. The move now enables an overall production output of 4,200 robots a year. In the course of this measure, the assembling and startup capacities for small devices in the Hungarian Wittmann production plant in Mosonmagyaróvár was increased. This production plant primarily makes the W808 and W818 robot models. These robots are of high applicability, highly versatile and can handle a payload of up to 3 kg or 6 kg respectively. The number of units produced in Hungary more than covers the European market’s demand for these two Wittmann models.

The second stage of development involves the wholescale enlargement of the robot production at the Wittman group’s Vienna headquarters. This work is planned for completion by January 2016. The increase in Viennese production will be matched to an increase in the production capacity of Wittmann’s US assembly facility in Torrington, Connecticut. Thus, a badly needed overall annual production output of 4,500 robots can be reached.

Wittmann’s increase in robot production capacity has also been coupled to its recent investment in product innovation and new product development. For example, after having only recently launched the company’s new W8 pro robots - these new robots are now enhanced with new servo-driven rotating additional axes. The new servo modules for the W8 pro series have an extremely ergonomic and space-saving design. They can also be ideally positioned within striking distance of the main servo drives.