Engel has hit the highest turnover in its history

“Closing at 1.7 billion euros, we reached the highest turnover in the company’s history,” Stefan Engleder, CEO of the Engel Group, is pleased to announce. Especially the business segments of automotive, medical, packaging, and technical moulding contributed to this growth. In North America and Europe, investments were made, for example, to meet the continuing high demand for products used in diabetes therapy. In contrast, the trend towards sustainable packaging concepts was mainly affecting Europe. Investments in logistics applications are still at a high level. The automotive industry has been the strongest driver of our success over the last fiscal year. This sector has proven to have a significant impact on economic growth, especially in Asia and North- and South America”.
Engel is well prepared for the fiscal year ahead. “As we have already demonstrated in the past, we can adjust fast to changes in the business environment and absorb their impact. We are confident that by consistently following our strategic goal to drive innovations and be an industry leader, we have set ourselves up for success in the upcoming year,” Stefan Engleder concluded.