Chiang Chen, founder and honorary chairman of Chen Hsong Group, passed away

With great sorrow and sadness Chen Hsong Holdings announced the passing away of founder and honourable chairman Chiang Chen on March 13, 2022, aged 100.
Chiang was born in Heze City, Shandong Province, China to a poor family. Orphaned early, the young Chiang would prove to be industrious and a keen learner, culminating to his lifetime obsession with industrial machinery and manufacturing technologies. Chiang founded Chen Hsong Machinery, predecessor of the Chen Hsong Group, in 1958 and later, in 1966, developed the first 10oz in-line plastic injection moulding machine in Hong Kong - a remarkable achievement for the industry at the time. Chen Hsong developed rapidly under Chiang’s leadership and was eventually listed in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 1991 as one of the leading manufacturers of plastic injection moulding machines worldwide.
In addition to being a leading industrialist in Hong Kong, there has also always been a special place in Chiang’s heart for China. He was among the first group of industrialists to invest into the Mainland, establishing a joint-venture factory for plastic injection moulding machines in Shunde, Guangdong Province, all the way back in 1986 when China’s “Opening Up” movement was just gaining steam. His confidence and insistence in contributing back to his homeland was unheard of in Chinese industrial circles at the time.
Chiang himself firmly adheres to the motto that industry enriches people’s livelihood, leading to prosperity which strengthens the country. For that, in 1990, he donated his entire shareholding in the Chen Hsong Group to set up the Chiang Chen Industrial Charity Foundation - a charity fund with the charter of promoting technical education and training for Chinese industrial talents and industry leaders, as well as to support the development of China’s industrial base.