Bosch Rexroth pneumatics acquired by Triton

The agreements for the acquisition of Bosch Rexroth's global pneumatics business by the German-Scandinavian investor Triton have been signed recently. The operation will now have to be approved by the competent antitrust authorities.
Founded in 1997, the Triton fund invests in medium-size businesses mainly operating in Scandinavia and Northern Europe with headquarters in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, focusing on industrial businesses and business-related services in the healthcare and consumer sectors.
"Triton boasts extensive experience in successfully positioning small and medium-sized companies on the market. With this acquisition, we are taking the next consistent and logical step toward to ensure the successful development of our pneumatics business," said Karl Tragl, president of Bosch Rexroth. The company announced its intention to sell its pneumatics operations as early as February 2012, as this divestment would allow it to seize additional, long-term growth opportunities outside the automation sector. Peder Prahl, Triton funds general partner director, expressed his optimism about the acquisition: "Rexroth Pneumatics has the opportunity to benefit from the market growth driven by an increasing global trend towards automation. We believe that this investment will enable the company to operate successfully as an independent entity."