And the winner is... polycarbonate!

Since 2007 the European Polycarbonate Sheet Extruders association (EPSE) has been organizing the Awards Competition to recognize the most innovative, sustainable and the best design projects made up of polycarbonate (PC). The aim of this event is to promote the material's properties.
EPSE Awards 2013 is the sixth edition of this internal competition, attracting 16 projects such as stadiums, public buildings and artistic installations. All the nominees are a perfect illustration of a wide variety of areas in which PC may be applied. It is not only used in construction and architecture but thanks to its lightweight, high transparency and excellent processability PC is often used in creation of artworks.
The projects will be assessed by the panel of experts with backgrounds in architecture, engineering, art, and journalism.
The Awards Ceremony, where the winning projects will be announced, will take place on October 17, at the K 2013 fair in Düsseldorf 2013.