Satisfaction with the return of NPE after six years

Returning to Orlando, Florida, six years after the last edition due to the infamous Covid-19 pandemic, NPE 2024, the largest and most important plastics and rubber show in America, attracted around 2,000 exhibitors and over 50,000 attendees.
The organisation highlighted that NPE 2024 reaffirmed its reputation as the international event for the plastics industry in the Americas, with more than 15,000 overseas visitors from 133 Countries (+9.9% compared to the 2018 edition), demonstrating the event's value as a place for global innovation exchange. It was also highlighted that this year's edition represented something of a generational shift among attendees, with 63% of them attending their first NPE, while 30% of registrants were under the age of 40.
This year's edition placed a strong emphasis on sustainability, both in terms of the increasingly sustainable applications of plastics, such as in the field of electromobility, and in terms of technologies for processing biomaterials or making plastics themselves increasingly sustainable through recycling. The importance of sustainability was also reflected in the large number of suppliers of resins from renewable or recyclable sources, manufacturers of technological solutions for recovery and recycling, and recyclers present among both exhibitors and visitors.
The next edition of NPE will also be held in Orlando from 3 to 7 May 2027.