Not long now: PLAST'09, the triennial international show is running from Tuesday 24 to Saturday 28 March. For the second time it will be held at Fiera Milano fairgrounds in Rho-Pero. The show is by now accustomed to its role as the major specialist event in Europe for the plastics and rubber industry. It features about 1,300 exhibitors (direct and indirect) from about 40 countries all over the world, in a net exhibition area of 59,000 m2. Though these figures reveal a drop - though relatively small - with respect to the 2006 show, they can nonetheless be given a positive interpretation, considering the overall situation, particularly in the light of the profound economic and financial crisis that is affecting all areas of the globe. As previously, the core of the show comprises machinery and equipment manufacturers, with a wide range of technology exhibited, without those limits that tend to characterise other specialist events, in which certain sectors tend to be excessively dominant with respect to others.