Good news. The conversion of the Bridgestone plant in Bari (Italy) is a certainty. Production will focus exclusively on general use tyres, enhancing the competitivity of the facility while reducing the overall costs of the conversion.
The agreement was signed in Rome on 30 September under the supervision of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and delineates the possibility of keeping major industrial interests in Bari on the condition that - through the efforts of the involved parties - the predetermined productivity objectives and conversion costs are achieved.
"First and foremost, the group wants to express its thanks to the employees of the plant for their constructive attitude, which proved to be a determining factor in the positive outcome fo the negotiations. All parties involved in the conversion plan acted with great responsibility and today's agreement is the clear result of joint efforts made during these six months of dialogue," stated Bridgestone Europe Managing Director Franco Annunziato.
Indeed, just last March, the multinational tyre manufacturer had announced its intention to close the Apulia plant, which employs some 950 people, by mid-2014, following an "in-depth analysis of changes in the European and global tyre market."