SA-U is the name Elba has given to its new range of universal welding systems, which, thanks to the possibility of adding the desired number of welding stations, can be configured to meet the processors’ specific production needs. These machines, able to produce different types of bag - simple side weld or bottom weld bags, bags with a side gusset, as well as boutique-style carrier bags and bags able to carry heavy items - can be equipped with various options such as equipment for inserting zips or applying different kinds of handles, to name just a couple.

Each soldering station is independent and servo controlled, and thanks to a “plug and play” system it can be added at any time without having to alter the original structure of the line. State-of-the-art components and the human-machine interface make the system easy and quick to set up; they also make it possible to save thousands of production recipes and to check every single part of the line instantaneously, thereby allowing constant monitoring of each phase of the welding process. To ensure that it is able to meet the most diverse production needs, the SA-U range is available in different welding widths.

According to the manufacturer, the ease of operation, rapid setup and low production waste, not to mention the easy maintenance resulting from all these features, make this machine a reliable investment that can pay for itself in the short term.