On November 30, Gavo Meccanica, a Tuscany-based company specialising in manufacturing of pipe cutters which is about to celebrate 30 years of activity, invited their most trusted partners (including both sales agents and suppliers) at its facility in Larciano, near Pistoia (Italy). Here, the company celebrated the official delivery of its five hundredth machine to a German customer, Rommelag, a manufacturer of food and beverage packaging. The machine delivered was a TCRG automatic cutting and joining system developed in 2013, one of the best sellers of its range, offering high performance levels at an affordable cost.

In a joyful atmosphere, which also included some emotional moments, Antonio Tancredi, CEO of Gavo Meccanica, took the floor to briefly review the 29 years of his company, highlighting the constant growth of turnover and underscoring how its success also came from important partnerships established over the years. The sales managers, Marco Tancredi and Cristiano Masi, expressed their satisfaction with the results obtained so far, also mentioning the negotiations concluded recently in the USA which, together with Europe and Latin America, are among the main export markets for Gavo Meccanica’s products.

The mood of the event mirrored the positive spirit of this company, believing in the intrinsic value and competitive advantage of Italian made products, whose specific technology makes them unique on the global market.