We are living in confused and messy times, in which it seems that problems, though fundamental for the impact on our present and our future, are treated from partial points of view, according to convenience, or with the clear purpose of making cash.
We should perhaps focus on 3 magical words, more concrete than many plastic-free philosophies, namely REDUCE-REUSE-RECYCLE. Let's look at them in detail, with some concrete action.
REDUCE: as an industry we should commit ourselves to design single-material products and, as consumers, we should choose products that are truly recyclable, with "less" packaging, or in bulk when possible;
REUSE: as consumers we should shop with a reusable bag several times, even for fruit and vegetables. In Belgium, the Colruyt group has decided, after experimentation, to pursue this path, with reusable bags made of polyester (with a low environmental impact LCA) which in the future will lead to the elimination of 150 thousand bags per year. In Italy only NaturaSì has challenged the ministerial decree that requires the biodegradable, but the situation remains confused. We should even donate the durable goods that we no longer use to those who can make good re-use of them.
RECYCLE: as consumers we should try to best apply the concept of differentiation of waste every day. And as an industry?
In this field, PlasticFinder (
www.plasticfinder.it) has decided to offer a concrete opportunity of "platform economy for circularity" dedicated to the operators of the plastic sector: PlasticFinder has created an operating flow that complies with the requirements of the UNI 10667 standard (secondary raw materials and by-products of plastic materials) and on October 30, 2019, obtained from CSI Cert (IMQ group) the certifications for Distribution of secondary raw materials of plastic material, Distribution of by-products of plastic materials, Distribution of plastic materials from by-product.


PlasticFinder thus becomes the first "distribution system" certified according to the regulations in force: the operators of the supply chain (producers, recyclers, distributors) now have an extra ally that offers a free, simple and transparent procedure to sell or buy these types of products, which deserve to find a new life in the transformation into a finished product.
In this way, a "plastic resource" is RECYCLED, allowing its correct REUSE in a production process and ultimately contributing to the REDUCTION of the need for virgin raw materials.
Facts, not words, thanks to PlasticFinder, the first and only "exchange engine for plastic resources".
For information on the use of PlasticFinder write to
[email protected] or call (+39) 02 21118692.