A contract was signed by Technonicol group of Moscow and the Italian manufacturer, BG Plast, for the supply of two extrusion lines for dimpled membranes with and without geotextile coupling for final width of 2,000 mm and 4000 mm.


The two lines will produce 600 kg/h and 1,500 kg/h with extruders with diameters 120 mm and 160 mm respectively, and will be placed in two strategic factories of the group, one in Russia and the other in Poland, where a new facility was completed for installing the line.


Both lines stand out thanks to their high technological level, starting from the dosing units up to the automatic palletizing system for finished rolls with anthropomorphic robot. The final dimpled membranes will feature a weight between 400 and 850 g/sqm. If required, the dimpled membranes can be coupled with a geotextile membranes.