A few days ago, Omso celebrated its 70th anniversary with an open house event at its headquarters in Reggio Emilia. Strongly oriented to export, today the company is a world leading manufacturer of printing machines for three-dimensional objects destined for the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, with a staff of over 120 people and a turnover exceeding 20 million euros.

For this milestone anniversary, a celebration day was organized with the participation of over 400 guests, including the mayor of Reggio Emilia, Luca Vecchi, the extraordinary commissioner of the Chamber of Commerce of Reggio Emilia, Stefano Landi, the president of Unindustria Reggio Emila, Fabio Storchi, the director of CNA Reggio Emilia, Azio Sezzi, the president of Panathlon,  Enrico Prandi, and Don Alessandro Zaniboni together with the company employees and their families, the customers and suppliers. In addition to the celebrations, Omso headquarters and production departments were the destination of guided visits. On this occasion, the company's website was updated with a new thematic section dedicated to the most significant printing machines and technologies developed by the company over the years.

"Our printing machines express the passion for mechanical engineering that has always distinguished us: irreplaceable tools for many printers, often born for the future. In these seventy years, Omso, in fact, has always believed in technological development and invested systematically to equip itself with the most innovative solutions. Our professionalism has allowed us to understand the needs of customers, building the printing systems around them. We will celebrate our 70th anniversary according to our style, emphasizing this important milestone together with the people who have made all this possible through what we do, our work and our products, complex and sophisticated, which lie behind many products of daily use in the most disparate fields," explained President Alfredo Campioli (on the left, in the photo above together with the mayor of Reggio Emilia, Luca Vecchi).

"Today we want to pause and think about Omso, about the long way we have made and the results achieved, so that all this can motivate and stimulate us on the path to achieve the ambitious goals that await us. Among the main events on our schedule there is the K 2022 fair, which shares with us the same anniversary, the most important trade fair in the world dedicated to plastics and rubber, to be held next October in Düsseldorf, Germany", Campioli added.