According to figures released by the International Rubber Study Group, in 2010 the global rubber (natural and synthetic) production topped 24.4 million tons (+11% over 2009) and the relevant consumption exceeded 24.6 million tons (+15%).
China was world's first ranked consumer, with more than 8 million tons and a 6% increase with respect to 2009; next in line were United States with almost 2.7 million tons (+25%), Germany with 980,000 tons (+38%) and Brazil which just exceeded 900,000 tons (+25%).
Regarding production, Thailand was world's number one provider of natural rubber, with 3.3 million tons, then Indonesia (2.7 millions) and Malaysia (940,000 tons). Major producers of synthetic elastomers were: China (3.1 million tons), United States (2.3), Japan (1.6), South Korea (1.2), Russia (1.1).