The ceremony held to inaugurate Go Trade Mx, the new subsidiary of the Frigosystem group, world leading manufacturer of industrial refrigeration and temperature control systems, took place on September 22 in Queretaro, Mexico.

The event was attended by the honorary consul Giovanni Bellei, by representatives of Promexico (a federal government body), and by the Mexican national chamber of the processing industry Canacintra (Camara Nacional de la Industria de Transformación), as well as by several collaborators, customers and friends of the company’s personnel.

Founded in October 2014, Go Trade Mx deals with sales and technical services in Central America, and can rely on machinery and spare parts from both Frigosystem and Corema.

In his inauguration speech, the Frigosystem general manager Alessandro Grassi underlined the importance of this real and concrete presence on the extremely active and complex Mexican market. The guests at the ceremony were then invited to visit a next-generation injection moulding plant, built on site by Frigosystem.

The photograph shows the cutting of the ribbon and pictures (from left to right): Alessandro Grassi (Frigosystem general manager), Miriam Olivi (Frigosystem international sales manager), Francisco Almaguer R. (Go Trade Mx general manager) and Giovanni Bellei (honorary consul of Queretaro).