A single silk-screen machine for all decoration needs

Extreme customisation. This is the engineering strategy implemented by Moss with the aim of delivering technical solutions meeting the different special needs of companies operating in the field of decoration. One of the highest expressions of this strategy in the range of products offered by the Emilian manufacturer, today, is represented by the MS 1070 silk-screen printing machine.

This model is equipped with motor-driven servo-mandrels in a variable number, i.e. from 12 to 24, according to the production needs, and it fits very well to direct decoration on cylindrical plastic objects such as rigid or flexible tubes, deodorant sticks, lipstick cases, mascara or eyeliner bottles, and many others. Sophisticated reading systems with linescan cameras provide a means to apply high-precision silk-screen on already existing decorations by controlling the circumferential positioning of each servo-mandrel and the axial one of the screens, also available in the servo-driven version.

The MS 1070 machine includes all the latest technologies enabling the exchange of process data with the company management system, in line with the Industry 4.0 concepts.

Moss has also developed an app for smartphones which allows the user to remotely monitor the system’s operating and production parameters.