Colombo reappointedas president of Assocomaplast

On Thursday 28 June, the assembly of Assocomaplast members, meeting in the conference rooms of CESAP (Centre for the Development of Plastic Applications) in Verdellino-Zingonia (Bergamo), reappointed Giorgio Colombo (Icma San Giorgio) as president of the Italian Plastics and Rubber Processing Machinery and Moulds Manufacturers' Association for the period 2012-2015. Alessandro Grassi (Frigosystem) was elected vice-president.
In his address, Colombo mentioned, with concern, the obvious difficulties companies are having maintaining sales and margins in a setting characterised by a clear drop in domestic turnover, even though this is counterbalanced by a growth in exports, which thus implies greater efforts, compared with the past, on the part of sales offices.
But the president was confident that sector operators will manage to find, as they always have in the past, the formulas needed to adapt to the new scenarios. He highlighted one factor above all: innovation. "I appreciate that it is often difficult to offer innovation when you are small and have limited resources", Colombo declared. "However, we must not forget that it was precisely when they were still small that our companies proved able to develop the innovations that allowed them to become established on the national and international markets."
At the request of several members, Giorgio Colombo was appointed by acclamation, whereas the election of the Board of Auditors was conducted by secret ballot (regular: Elena Cribiù, Crizaf; Emanuela Balzanelli, FB Balzanelli Avvolgitori; Fabio Mascherpa, consultant; alternate: Andrea Mariani, Impianti OMS; Gianni Cazzulo, consultant), as was the election of the Board of Arbitrators: Alessandro Fabbri (Cofit), Mario Piatto (Green Box), Gianluigi Fè (Itib), Angelo Bianchi (Olmas) and Camillo Lupi (Tecnomatic).