Guido Ghisolfi has died

The Italian chemical industry mourns Guido Ghisolfi. On 3 March, the vice president and managing director of the Mossi & Ghisolfi group was found dead near his home in Tortona (province of Alessandria, Italy) after taking his own life. The extreme act of the industrialist was apparently the result of deep depression from which he had been suffering for some time. “Guido Ghisolfi, 58 years old, vice president and managing director of the Mossi & Ghisolfi Group, has left us. As a result of the deep crisis of depression from which he had long suffered, he decided to commit the extreme act to end his own life,” we read in the company press release.

The release continues: Son of Vittorio Ghisolfi, he was an entrepreneur of rare ability, tenaciousness and intuition. Together with his brother, Marco, he brought the Mossi & Ghisolfi Group into an international dimension, making it one of the established leaders in plastics and chemicals produced from renewable resources.

Founded in 1953, the Mossi & Ghisolfi Group is controlled by M&G Finanziaria, owned by the Ghisolfi family and led by Vittorio Ghisolfi. A leader in innovation applied to the PET market, engineering and renewable chemical products deriving from non-food biomass, it has operations in Europe, the United States, South America and Asia, with annual revenues of over 3 billion dollars, 2,100 employees and over 100 researchers.

Originating as a company specialized in plastic packaging, over the past 10 years it has witnessed strong development, becoming one of the leaders in the global PET market, tripling its annual production of this polymer from 600,000 to 1.7 million tons. Ground was broken in 2013 for a new facility in Corpus Christi, Texas, the world’s largest PET and PTA plant. That same year, a plant capable of producing 75,000 tons per year of bio-ethanol from agricultural wastes was inaugurated in Crescentino (near Vercelli, Italy).