Reopening of the Cannon-Sandretto museum

The inauguration of the permanent exhibition of the Cannon-Sandretto private collection and the re-opening of the museum of plastics run by these two companies are two events both due to take place on  June 7 in Pont Canavese (Turin, Italy). The Cannon building in Pont Canavese has been renovated and its rooms are now ready to host, once again, the prestigious collection to which it has, traditionally, always been home.

The Council of Pont Canavese has signed an agreement with Cannon which will see it taking over the management of the museum, which will become part of the “Polo Museale di Pont” (Pont Museum Centre), and will include the manufacturing museum, the machine tools museum, and the laboratory of Modesto Sandretto, founder of Sandretto Industrie. The opening of the permanent exhibition will provide the opportunity to launch the new centre, with its three sites open to visitors.

The day’s events will include a tour of the Museum of Iron, the opening ceremony and a visit  to the  museum centre.