A White Paper... by VinyLoop

On 12 November, VinyLoop published a White Paper to raise awareness, among  manufacturers, retailers, politicians and the general public, of the potential of plastic recycling - in particular PVC recycling - as a means of drastically reducing the environmental footprint and increasing the sustainability of these products. The white paper points out that producing with VinyLoop's recycled PVC, as opposed to a virgin PVC-based compound, reduces primary energy demand by 46%, global warming potential by 39%, and water consumption by 72%. The development of recycling techniques able to maintain the quality of the virgin product also offers added value that can boost the producer's marketing drives.
The white paper shows how the VinyLoop approach considers the issue of environmental impact throughout the stages of a product's life. For example, producing a garden hose using 50% recycled PVC reduces the product's global warming potential by almost 20%. The white paper reflects the philosophy behind the VinylPlus initiative and suggests that recycling is the route to follow in order to help the EU reach its 20-20-20 goals, i.e. to achieve, by 2020, a 20% increase in the energy efficiency of installations and a 20% reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases.