Sace supports Colines in India and Brazil

Through two new commercial operations in India and Brazil worth a total of 2.2 million euros and set up with the support of Sace Simest (the CDP Group’s centre for export and internationalisation), Colines has succeeded in strengthening its presence in the area of emerging or high-potential markets. These operations confirm and consolidate its partnership with Sace Simest, which has previously helped the Novara-based manufacturer to secure orders on markets such as Saudi Arabia, Ecuador and Switzerland.

Thanks to Sace Simest, Colines can offer its customers not only its product range but also an increasingly attractive financial package. Furthermore, the company has also enjoyed the support of the Sace Simest’s international offices in Mumbai and Sao Paulo, which have been flanking Italian companies in India and Brazil for a number of years. “This possibility to strengthen our presence in markets like India and Brazil, which for us are highly strategic ones (on a par with the USA), and ones in which we have significantly increased our turnover in recent times, is crucial, especially in view of the process of corporate growth that, already under way for some considerable time, we are keen to continue in the coming years. For us, Sace Simest is a valuable partner, allowing us to grow on the international markets”, explained Colines CEO, Eraldo Peccetti.

Colines is firmly established in Italy, where it has five production plants. In addition the company has operational headquarters in the USA and sales and assistance services worldwide, directly in the areas in which it operates. Over the past four years, its turnover has risen from 25 to 42 million euros, a 68% increase, and in the current financial year it aims to reach 60 million; exports account for around 98% of its turnover. In 2018 it was included in the “1,000 companies to inspire Europe” list created by the London Stock Exchange Group to draw attention to Europe’s most dynamic and fast growing SMEs - those with the potential to transform the European economy and offer important opportunities to the upcoming generations.

India and Brazil, already important destinations for Italian exports in 2018, look set to see positive growth rates of Italian sales in the next few years, too. According to forecasts issued by the Sace research office, the next three years could well see Italian exports to India increasing by mean annual rate of 6.7%, consolidating the positive trend recorded in 2018 (+8.5%). In Brazil too, partly as an effect of the economic recovery that started there back in 2017, Italian exports increased by 7.3% in 2018 and will likely continue to grow over the next three years at a similar annual average rate.