A life without plastics?

Many are not aware of the immense contribution of plastics to improving the quality of life, stimulating industrial innovation, leading the way in economic growth, and how sustainable and environmentally friendly plastics really are. Three innovative companies - Moretto, Milliken and Hilex Poly - will illustrate the great things being done by the plastics industry at a conference organized by SPI (the plastics industry trade association) with the support of Assocomaplast (the Italian plastics and rubber processing machinery and moulds manufacturers' association) on October 15 at the European Parliament in Brussels.
Both in Europe and globally, the plastics industry plays an important role in enabling growth through innovation in a wide range of key industries such as automotive, electrical and electronic, building and construction and food and beverage sectors. Plastics are the true resource champions by saving more resources than they use, i.e. "more means less". For example substituting plastics with alternative materials would result in a 46% increase in energy consumption, a 46% increase in CO2 emissions and generate 100 million tonnes more of waste every year across the EU. The success story for plastics is expected to continue as its unique properties lend itself to more and more innovation applications.
The program of the event is the following:
17.00 - Welcome remarks by Marcel Claes (Chief Executive, American Chamber of Commerce in Belgium);
17.05 - Welcome remarks by Girolamo Dagostino (Marketing department, Assocomaplast);
17.10 - First speaker: Werner Van De Sande (Business Manager, Milliken Chemical in Europe);
17.30 - Second speaker: Paolo Gasparotto (Branch sales manager, Moretto Plastics Automation);
17.50 - Third speaker: Mark Daniels (Senior VP of sustainable and environmental policy, Hilex Poly);
18.10 - Moderated Q&A;
18.25 - Thank you and closing.