Italian news

  • 25 May 2022

    New Polish agent for Star Automation Europe

    There is a new piece in the jigsaw puzzle of Star Automation Europe sales network around Europe, thanks to the agency agreement signed with Muehsam Rozwiązania Dla Przemysłu, based in Kielce, Poland, a leading operator in the field of plastic processing machinery in the Eastern European country. Here the plastics industry is...
  • 25 May 2022

    In Scandinavia CMG relies on two new distributors

    Recently, CMG Granulators started a new collaboration with KD Feddersen and Protec Scandinavia for the distribution of recycling equipment and solutions in the Nordic countries. KD Feddersen is a global distributor of technical products, engineering plastics, specialty chemicals and raw polymers...
  • 25 May 2022

    Gefit opens in Mexico its seventh branch in the world

    Gefit announced the launch of its seventh production unit, Gefit Mexico Engineering, a newly established subsidiary located in Monterrey, an industrial district that has developed considerably in recent years to become Mexico main economic center. The company decision to invest in Mexico reflects the strategic importance of...
  • 18 May 2022

    RadiciGroup closes 2021 with positive results

    With total sales of 1,508 million generated by over 30 production and sales units in Europe, Asia and America, RadiciGroup closed its 2021 financial year with positive results, despite the difficulties due to the lingering effects of the pandemic and the steep increase in the cost of raw materials and energy, especially during the...
  • 04 May 2022

    Two new entries in Syncro Group

    Since the beginning of May, Syncro Group has a new business development manager for the North American market and a new  sales manager and product manager for the wire & cable division: they are respectively Paolo Gasparotto (photo on the left) and Andrea Stoppa (photo below)...
  • 27 April 2022

    Sirmax reorganizes itself with the "Lean Agile" project

    Less than two years after its start-up, the results of the “Lean Agile” project, implemented by Sirmax Group thanks to the collaboration with Considi, a Vicenza-based consulting company specializing in 4.0, Lean production, improvement strategy, management and business organization, are already tangible and concrete. The project...
  • 27 April 2022

    Dino Sandretto has died

    Dino Sandretto has died at the age of 95 years old. Alongside his brother, Modesto (who died in 2004), Sandretto founded the company Sandretto in 1946, that was destined to become one of the leading manufacturers of injection moulding machines in the immediate aftermath of World War II, bringing global fame to Pont Canavese...
  • 13 April 2022

    Sipa opens its doors to future packaging designers

    Students and teachers of the master degree course in eco-packaging design at Politecnico di Torino were welcomed by Sipa, a company based in Vittorio Veneto (Treviso, Italy), as part of an open-house event organised for schools and universities with a view to the exchange of experiences between the...
  • 12 April 2022

    Versalis to license technology to Shandong Eco Chemical

    Eni’s chemical company, Versalis, has agreed to license its proprietary continuous mass technology to Shandong Eco Chemical, a Chinese company part of Shandong Haike Holding. The license will be granted for a 210 kT/year ABS unit to be built in Dongying, Shandong province (China)...
  • 06 April 2022

    More Versalis in Novamont

    Versalis and Novamont are strengthening their partnership to reinforce synergies in the ecological transition of green chemistry, leveraging what has been built so far to maximize spin-offs and seize new opportunities. The commitment to Matrìca - the joint venture set up in 2011 between Versalis and Novamont at...
  • 30 March 2022

    Moretto at four fairs in April

    April will be full of appointments for Moretto, engaged from 5 to 8 in France at FIP, with the local partner Martiplast, in Slovenia at International Industry Fair, in collaboration with the sales partner Lesnik, and in Brazil at Interplast Joinville. From 12 to 14, Moretto technology will be protagonist in America at Plastec West in Anaheim in…
  • 30 March 2022

    A record 2021 for Piovan

    The Board of Directors of Piovan reviewed and approved the 2021 separate financial statements of the company and the group consolidated financial statements. The record 2021 for the Piovan Group closes with excellent results in the Plastic and Food & Non-plastic segments, as well as in all geographic areas and a cash generation...
  • 23 March 2022

    Econyl drives the growth of Aquafil in 2021

    The Board of Directors of Aquafil approved the company’s operating and financial results at December 31, 2021. Figures show revenues of 569.7 million euros, equal to an increase by 30.5% compared to the 436.6 million euros of 2020, an Ebitda of 72.1 million euros, up by 23.5% compared to 58.4 million of euros in 2020, and...
  • 23 March 2022

    Negri Bossi signs agency agreement with Kanitech for Poland

    Negri Bossi strengthens its presence in Poland with the appointment of the new agent Kanitech. This latter is a growing company that supplies complete solutions for plastic processing companies. The service follows all stages of the process, from the supply of plastic material to the injection machines and ancillaries. The cooperation...
  • 16 March 2022

    RadiciGroup at Plastimagen: focus on sustainability and performance

    At Plastimagen fair (Mexico City, March 8-11), RadiciGroup focused on performance and sustainability by presenting innovative products for the automotive industry and latest generation flame-retardant materials that meet the stringent demands of the electrical/electronic and electronic mobility sectors...
  • 16 March 2022

    Saip lands to North America

    As part of its global expansion strategy, polyurethane machinery and solutions manufacturer Saip has opened Saip North America, its first site in the United States, in Columbus, Ohio. The new structure will facilitate support for local activities and the growth of the company's presence in the North American market...