Half of PET is recycled

Data published by PETCore (PET Container Recycling Europe) and EuPR (European Plastics Recyclers) on the collection and recovery of PET bottles in Europe in 2011 show a 9.4% increase - 140 thousand tons (5.6 billion bottles) more than in 2010 - in the overall volume, taking it to 1.59 million tons. Basically, 51% of all the bottles entering the marketplace for consumption in 2011 were recovered. These data refer to the 27 EU-member countries plus Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey. Instead, if these last four countries are excluded, the increase recorded (+2%) is almost constant.
All but three of the countries surveyed, according to the collection systems and specific economic instruments used, exceeded the 22.5% recycling target established by the Packaging Directive, and a third exceeded the 70% mark. It is estimated the 27 EU-member countries, together with the other four states mentioned above, have a PET mechanical recycling capacity of around 1.9 tons, only 77% of which is currently exploited. This therefore means that PET collection still has considerable growth margins.
As regards the destination of recycled PET in 2011, over 50% was used to make containers or sheets and films for new packaging, while 39% was used to produce fibres. A slight increase was recorded in the production of straps, which just passed the 100 thousand ton mark.