Good practices

The Lombardy Chambers of Commerce acknowledged Gefran for over 30 socially responsible practices implemented by the company in favour of the environment, the working world, the community and the market. Acting to safeguard people, the territory and the community:  this is the introduction to the Brescia-based company's code of ethics and also one of the values on which it today bases its growth in the production of industrial process control components. It is precisely thanks to the work it has done in support of this principle that Gefran is today among the 78 companies receiving recognition. The aim of the initiative, organised by the Lombardy Chambers of Commerce, is to acknowledge and raise the profile of companies that have voluntarily undertaken activities that have positive repercussions for society and the environment.
On the environmental side, the company has started up a photovoltaic system installed on its new works in Provaglio d'Iseo (Brescia). The system is able to generate a total power of 170 kW which is sufficient to cover 100% of the energy requirements of the production unit and cancel out carbon dioxide emissions. The company has also invested in research into environment compatible technologies, which is now bearing fruit in the development of regenerative inverter drives, capable of recovering energy dissipated from industrial machines, thereby cutting consumption levels and, in this case, also reducing CO2 emissions. For years, the company has also offered a range of pressure sensors for high temperatures to monitor power loads in industrial machines that use sodium-potassium in place of mercury (the latter legally prohibited in many industrial activities) as filling fluid.
Gefran focuses not only on the environment, but also on its own employees. Its "Management by Objective" system stimulates and rewards the growth, performance and results of key members of personnel. Furthermore, all the employees participate in a scheme whereby their results are rewarded in proportion the objectives met by the company. The other initiatives mounted by the company for the benefit of its employees are specific courses (amounting to a total of 11,000 training hours) geared at developing technical and transverse skills and the implementation of practices designed to promote equal opportunities and the inclusion of women on the staff, at all levels.
All this is topped off by support with child care costs (crèches and nursery school) for the children of some of the most deserving employees, study grants for university students and sponsorship of the Italian electronics and telecommunications competition organised by the "Istituto Superiore Cristoforo Marzioli" school. The company also lends its support in countless ways to culture and the community . Examples include its donation, to the municipality of Iseo, of two works by the famous sculptor Giuseppe Rivadossi, its donation of aid to the earthquake victims of Emilia Romagna, and its promotion of Onlus Sfera, a no-profit organisation for education and cooperation among peoples dedicated to the memory of Monsignor Gennaro Franceschetti.