French labelling

France has recently informed the European Commission of draft legislation that would make labelling of all recyclable packaging and products (including many made of plastics) - even ones originating from abroad - compulsory within the French market. The aim is to make the consumer aware that the material he is handling is recyclable, and also to provide indications on correct differentiated waste collection. The responsibility for applying these labels and for the information they contain would be that of the producers, French or otherwise, of the recyclable packaging and products.
Orgalime - The European federation that gathers together 34 trade associations representing companies operating in the electronics, mechanical and electromechanical sectors - has expressed grave concerns with regard to the French proposal. Indeed, according to the federation, this proposal would undermine one of the fundamental principles of the European Union, namely the free movement of goods, as it would oblige the member states to conform to French standards. Furthermore, the existing EU directives do not include obligations on labelling like the ones provided for in the French draft legislation.