Extruder for black masterbatch

A plant for the production of black masterbatch has recently been built and installed by Comac at the MDPlast factory in Mercato San Severino (Salerno, Italy), which is currently implementing a strategy to differentiate its production activity. The line is equipped with the new EBC70HT/52d High Volume corotating twin screw extruder with a diameter of 72 mm (L/D = 52), driven by a water cooled 300-kW AC motor. The plant also includes a carbon black and material gravimetric dosing system, with automatic uploading of the polymer (LDPE), two side loaders and a liquid ring die face cutting device. According to the manufacturer, this equipment has an output of between 500 and 700 kg/h, depending on the characteristics of the masterbatch.
In particular, the extruder features a new barrel configuration, now supplied as standard on all company plants. Its main benefits include fast and cheap maintenance, even in the event the cooling channels become clogged with limestone. Moreover, the barrel/bush modules can be mounted and dismantled without tools, while the position of the temperature probes close to the inner surface, in contact with the processed material, makes temperature control more accurate.